Baseball and Camping: I Love Summer in River Falls WI

Wouldn’t it be great to combine baseball and camping all in one place? Well at Hoffman Park in River Falls Wisconsin you can do just that. This small college town makes a great place to stay awhile and enjoy these favorite summer pastimes.

Hoffman Park Campground

Finding a great, family friendly place to camp is not always easy. Especially when you also want one that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. City Parks are some of our favorite places to stay because they are both family friendly and inexpensive. Hoffman Park in River Falls Wisconsin is a great location, it’s convenient to get in and out of St. Paul/Minneapolis, yet far enough you get a good rate as well as a peaceful camping experience.

Don’t you love when you get a great deal and have a wonderful experience? Well if you do then I highly recommend staying at Hoffman Park. Whether you want to visit St. Paul/Minneapolis or just want a quiet park to go camping, this place is perfect for both.

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There was good and bad with our Madison trip.

IMAG0494 (1)The choices for camping near Madison are not abundant and mainly in county parks.  We chose one close to the capitol building knowing this was to be one of our destinations.  Unfortunately, it was on a very busy, noisy road with only a chain-link fence between us and the road.  Other than the noise (which basically lasted all night) it was fine, although the showers were not clean and to be avoided.  Fortunately, it was close to town and a laundry mat, which we were desperately in need of.  The roads in Wisconsin are pretty rough, I guess due to the cold weather, so it was a pretty bumpy ride especially with the trailer hitched up.

I would also warn people to beware of the parking situation in this city, because (at least so far) it was probably the worst city parking ever.  There was no free public parking near the capital building. Also the parking garages require you to pay up front, meaning you have to guess how long you will be there and hope whatever you are doing doesn’t take longer than you expected.  It was just so unlike any other parking garage I have ever parked in.  I am sure this will not be the strangest thing that occurs in our travels.

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Peshtigo Wisconsin

Although we would have liked to get to Madison in a single day, it was too far to travel with the kids.

Sarah found a great spot halfway across the state in Peshtigo, Wisconsin.

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Badger Park in Peshtigo Wisconsin is a quiet city park with an amazing playground. We were able to stay only the one day
planned because so many people already had reservations. It was great for the single night though and the camp host was extremely nice.
He told us about the museum in town dedicated to the fire that had destroyed the entire town around the time of the great Chicago fire.

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