Life is an adventure, so go out and make memories.
Traveling the country has made for some great memories. Ones that we will share forever. Deciding to go on the road and travel full time in our trailer didn’t happen over night. There were many discussions and lots of research that went into The plan. Finally we took the leap and it has changed our lives. We are making the most of everyday.
We wanted to take our children to places we had never even thought we would go. It has been much more educational than we even imagined. The best part is that we are learning together on this grand family adventure. They have made some pretty amazing memories in their short lives. Rather than sitting at a desk, they are out in the world, getting real life experiences. We all are.
Maybe this lifestyle is something you have considered.
It could be something you are already doing. Either way it never hurts to learn from others. Take a look at the links if you are interested in how we got started or things we have learned along the way. Just remember that all the memories we have made make it worth every challenge we have faced.
There have never been any regrets about our decision. It was an easier adjustment for all of us than I had expected. Of all the things we miss the stuff we got rid of is not even on the list. I encourage anyone considering this lifestyle to weigh the good with the bad. It is definitely not for everyone. We have loved living this lifestyle and hope that we can continue to until we are ready for something new.